Munster's Burial Sites of Influential People

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Because of the combination of architecture, art, nature, wildlife, and untold tales, cemeteries are unlike any other place in the historic environment. This digital cultural resource is a cemeteries map that provides historical context for highlighted locations of notable events or people buried in Munster. Cemeteries were designed to serve as both a shrine and a garden for those who had passed away. Memorial inscriptions, monument design, stone selection, building architecture, and landscape design all shed light on past social customs and events, making a cemetery an invaluable historical resource. As a significant record of the area's social history, each cemetery is also a biography of its society. Many cemeteries have consecrated and non-consecrated sections and some cemeteries are dedicated to a particular religion. Many of our old cemeteries are still used for memorial services and burials. They're coveted as peaceful contemplation locations.